Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Digital Scrapbook

I chose  this picture because this guy Owen Taylor helped me through all of my pictures that I took
 I chose this picture because blue is my favorite color
 I chose this picture because i wanted to show everyone how empty the halls are when we are all in class
 I chose this picture because once again this is my friend that helped me through all of the pictures that made this possible

I chose this picture because red is my 2nd favorite color and blue is my 1st

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Scavenger Hunt

My most favorite photos are up above the reason i chose the 1st picture: i chose a picture of a poster of something significant its a picture of my friend who had to got to the hospital because something bad happened. The second picture is a picture of my friends eye and i thought it was funny. the third picture is a fire alarm and i chose this picture because i like red and to make people remember hope important fire alarms are. the fourth picture is a picture of another friend and he helped me through all of the pictures and is an amazing friend. And last of all my fifth photo is a picture of an empty space. the reason i chose this picture was because i wanted to show how empty the hallways can be in our school while people are in classes.