Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Digital Scrapbook

I chose  this picture because this guy Owen Taylor helped me through all of my pictures that I took
 I chose this picture because blue is my favorite color
 I chose this picture because i wanted to show everyone how empty the halls are when we are all in class
 I chose this picture because once again this is my friend that helped me through all of the pictures that made this possible

I chose this picture because red is my 2nd favorite color and blue is my 1st

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Scavenger Hunt

My most favorite photos are up above the reason i chose the 1st picture: i chose a picture of a poster of something significant its a picture of my friend who had to got to the hospital because something bad happened. The second picture is a picture of my friends eye and i thought it was funny. the third picture is a fire alarm and i chose this picture because i like red and to make people remember hope important fire alarms are. the fourth picture is a picture of another friend and he helped me through all of the pictures and is an amazing friend. And last of all my fifth photo is a picture of an empty space. the reason i chose this picture was because i wanted to show how empty the hallways can be in our school while people are in classes.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


i know a lot about photography its where you take pictures of something. you take a phone or a camera and take a picture of it. no i don't crop picture before i post them because i don't think its important enough to crop it. you go into the settings on the picture and it will say edit click on it and you will be able to edit from there.i do not edit photos because i don't think it important to do and no i don't like editing pictures i like taking pictures but not editing. yes i like to take pictures but not editing them

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Post 2 my favorite game on a phone

My favorite game is clash of clans. I like clash of clans because you can create your own village and you can make it unique. You can also talk to other people through chat. That is my favorite game on my phone.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Post 1 my favorite place in kansas

What I like about Kansas city is, The people. The reason I like the people is because all the people are so friendly and nice to me. When I first moved here and on my first day of school all of the kids at school wanted to sit bye me at lunch and tried to be my friend. I really liked how they were acting. Nice, Kind, Caring, and friendly.